Monday, November 8, 2010

Today is Kick-Yourself-In-The-Butt Day.

Today is kick-yourself-in-the-Butt Day ("yourself" being me, of course).  My last post was about my weight loss or lack thereof.  This blog is about how I'm going to really lose the weight - and how it all starts with my finances.  Another problem I have.

My husband and I do okay in terms of our work but we can't save money to save our lives.  So, today, I kicked myself in the butt and wrote out a budget.  What I discovered was, (insert drumroll) we have to make some changes. BIG surprise. Not really. 

One place we are spending way too much is at the grocery store. see now?  This is where it all starts.  From now on (or for as long as I don't lose interest) I will attempt at making weekly menus for breakfast, lunch and dinner and snacks and only buy groceries for that.  I will be thorough, but will not overbuy, so that I don't spend to much money or get things I won't or shouldn't eat.  Notice I wrote that I will be planning out menus for lunch too.  This will help me save money on eating out at lunch too. 

If indeed, I keep up with the menu planning, I hope I will plan healthy, wholesome meals and save calories too. 

The recent change in the weather has also put some punch behind my self-inflicted kick.  It's cooler out which means I have no excuse to get some exercise in.  Today, day one, I walked at lunch and I will do the same tomorrow and the day after that.  I'll worry about warmer weather when the time comes.  Another thing the cooler weather has done is demonstrated my weight gain in very clear terms.  My cold-weather clothes are not fitting too well.  Really, what other motivation do I need?

I will not buy any new, bigger clothes.  I will not.  Unless they are workout clothes, which I WILL wear. To work out.

I hope this kick-yourself day feeling will stay with me for more than just this week.  Otherwise, I'm afraid my butt will grow so large I won't feel the sting the next time.

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