Saturday, January 1, 2011

Are all bloggers posting their New Year's Resolutions today? I am. It is the morning of 1/1/11 - what a great day to make a fresh start! I write this list as I sip my morning coffee. I already feel that I have accomplished something but putting pen to, fingers to keyboard.

Now let me preface this list of things I want to accomplish in 2011 by saying that I know all of the "experts" say it is best to keep your list short so it isn't overwhelming and so that it is easily attainable. However, I can't help it. There are A LOT of things I want to happen this year and for all of those "experts" - if I accomplish some or most of them this year, it would make next year's resolution list shorter.

Here goes:

1. Top o' the list: I want to lose weight. Specifically, I NEED to lose 28.6 pounds. But just to make it an odd number - my goal is 30.6 pounds. And, since I've done it before (and I have beautiful clothes in my closet to prove it), I really do know I can get rid of those extra pounds. It is important to me for a number of reasons: my cholesterol is high and I know losing it would help lower the cholesterol. I can totally feel the difference in my body, my ease of movement, my energy levels, the way I sleep. Finally, I want to look good - is that too much to ask?

I'm going to do it by using the Weight Watchers system yet again. Only this time, I'm only going to use the e-tools without the meetings. We'll see how this goes. I will post more on this tomorrow.

2. Organize my life: our hall closet, our junk drawer, MY closet, MY TIME. I've gotta do it. I wish I was organized NOW. My brain needs it and is calling out for it. I know it will be good good for my family too.

3. Spend more time with God. I want to get carve myself some time out of my day to spend reading my way through the Bible, writing about what I read and praying.

4. I resolve to blog more often. I know I have only written a handful of posts, that no one really is interested, but you know what - I realized I am writing for me. I also realized that it helps me organize my head and think things through.

5. Read More. 'nuf said.

Now that I've written this list - I realize it isn't a list a mile long! In getting it typed out I feel determined. I have already made a plan in my head for each resolution and I am ready to put those plans into action. But first, I must finish my coffee.

1 comment:

  1. Dearheart, I beg to disagree with you a bit when you say "no one is really interested..."

    Also, when you can, make your time with God the very first or very last thing you do each day. It doesn't have to take a long time. 10 minutes even.

    I would also beg you to LOVE your body right where it is and honor all it has done for you, even while you strive for weight loss for health's sake. I am just as guilty at times of beating myself up, but plus or minus 30 pounds, someday when you are in your 70's, 80's, and 90's (God willing) you will wish you had the beautiful body you have today.

    Do your best each day and let it go. Someone once told me: It is what it is until it isn't. Relax.
