Thursday, June 30, 2011

Road Trip

Today we took a road trip to North Carolina for a 6 day vacation. I have fabulous memories of road trips from our small town in Maine to visit relatives in New York. I remember sitting in the backseat amongst all of the road trip imperatives - my book, a blanket and pillow, and snacks. We would stop only to use the bathroom and then take a ferry - which always seemed so adventurous - from Connecticut to Long Island. Our once-a-year trips remain some of my best childhood memories.

Our road trip, was slightly different. My man, my boys and I started out the drive at 4 am still under the cover of darkness.

We were followed by our best friend and her teenage son as they would be joining us in NC. Our plan was to drive until it was time for breakfast and then not stop again till lunch. All in all, we stopped no less than 6 times.

We stopped to use the restroom. We stopped to get breakfast - at McDonalds and at Dunkin Donuts (to please all of the palattes). We stopped to use the restroom again. We stopped to get our youngest a burger, and to use the bathroom. We stopped again to get lunch. We stopped to get gas. We stopped to get directions. You get the picture.

Our boys went through various stages of excitement, sleepiness, irritability, and histeria. Liam even began nibbling on his big toe and then using it as you would your forefinger to move your lips up and down to make the noise -bibibibibibibb...

It all climaxed when we pulled up at our destination talking in our best southern accents and laughing out load. I think my oldest boy is permanently scarred from the experience.  Not bad for a 12 hours.

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