Yesterday, my little man competed in his first ever karate tournament. We are apprehensive: I, because I was "making" him take part, and he, because he said he wasn't a good fighter.
He has been taking karate at an afterschool program for more than two years, since he was in kindergarten and is a "brown belt-black stripe" (one below black belt). However, he has never been in a tournament. When I asked him weeks ago if he wanted to fight in the tournament, he excitedly said yes.
Things changed as the day got closer. Earlier this week, when I asked my little man if he was getting excited about the tournament, he told me he didn't want to fight. Ugh... So, what's a good mother to do? Lie, of course! I quickly thought to tell him, "Too bad, I already signed you up and paid the entrance fee."
Yesterday morning came and we were there just a few minutes after the doors opened. It was in a recreation center gym, but transformed by mats surrounded by chairs, however, there weren't so many set up that I thought might intimidate him.
He first insisted on putting his fighting gear on, even though the fighting was the last event to occur. He waited with the other kids for his turn in the ring. I breathed a sigh of relief that he seemed to be calm and not the least bit nervous.
And when he stepped into the ring, and "touched gloves" with his opponent, I should have been thinking, "I hope my baby doesn't get hurt." or "Be careful." I was thinking, "Punch him! Kick him!" "Kick harder!" Of course, I can't cheer him on by shouting those things aloud for the other parents to hear, so instead, I shouted silly things that don't really make sense, now that I think about it, like, "Get in there!"
He ended the fighting competition after fighting in twice, winning one and losing one. They lined the kids up, and all I was thinking was, "Please get a trophy!!" Otherwise, I could see him never participating in a tournament again.
To his (and my) delight, he received THIRD PLACE in fighting for his age and level group!!!
For this, I would lie to him all over again!! (Just joking. Or not.)
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